Sunday, May 20, 2012

Teenage Douchebag

This is a little embarrassing. I’ve been dating this guy for about 7 months, we are both in high school. We went to this party at another friend’s house last weekend. I left him and his friend to go talk to some friends and when I came back, I overheard my boyfriend telling his friend that I was a “great lay.” Truth is I’m a virgin and haven’t even done the oral stuff. Well, this didn’t take long to get around and now everyone thinks I’ve had sex with my boyfriend when I haven’t. What do I do? I feel like I should make an announcement that the rumor isn’t true but would anyone believe me?
Ah, the next generation of d-bag … Your boyfriend is a douche and the only announcement you should be making is the one that you’re breaking up with him. He tarnished the reputation of your virtuous vagina to make himself look good to his friends. You don’t need to be with a dude who does not respect you and if you let this go because you feel that you need a boyfriend to validate your existence, then you’re setting a precedent for every relationship you will have after high school. Of course, no one but your real friends will believe you if you make an announcement. But if you break up with him, when you explain to the curious that you can’t be with a guy who would lie about an experience he didn’t have with you, your story will hold more weight and eventually override the rumor. Your ex-boyfriend will learn a valuable life lesson about chicks and you will feel better about teaching it to him. If you don’t respect and stand up for yourself, why should anyone else? So, go teach that moron a lesson.