Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No means no, even for dudes

I had been talking to this guy and we flirted around about sex. I told him that I didn’t want to do anything like that until we were in a relationship. He said he understood and things seemed to be going really good. so we had sex one day and I thought we were in a relationship but when I asked him, he said he didn’t want a relationship. Okay, fine. I quit talking to him. About a week ago, he starts texting me like nothing happened, but I won’t talk to him. Is that wrong? Or should I try it again with him? Why is he acting like nothing’s wrong?
Oh, honey, where do I start?

Why is he acting like nothing is wrong? He wants to get in your pants - again. It’s THAT obvious. Are you that desperately single  you can’t see when a dude’s trying to play you? He must be one hot piece of mancandy, for you to be this confused.
Unless he specifically told you that he was mulling over the idea of being your boyfriend before you had sex, this is your fault. You lowered your standards thinking you might sex this guy into a commitment and it didn’t work.  So, he didn’t really do anything wrong and feels his chances of getting to your cookie again are pretty good – since it was so easy the first time.
Give him another shot?  – you will probably do it anyway. Shoot, maybe if you consent to some casual sex over an extended period of time, pretend you don’t care about your relationship requirement and play his game, maybe you will win his relationship lottery. Oh, you didn’t know? You’re probably not the only girl he’s talking shit to, he has at least two more and they are onto his game right now. His back up plan is you, sweetheart.
Grow a pair and stick to your standards. If he was worth your time, you would not be in this situation at all.