Monday, September 5, 2011


I just found out the guy I was dating is a douchebag. He was seeing other girls at the same time he was seeing me. I contacted two of the girls to warn them that they should get tested because he was cheating and he is also using drugs - steroids. We are all upset. We are all single moms and I know I was falling in love with this man. But there was one girl who thought the whole thing was funny and wasn’t taking it seriously, even making jokes about it on his Facebook page. She obviously doesn’t care about her health and she is still talking to this douche. How can I make her see that she’s being stupid and should stop talking to him and seeing him? She has four kids and should think about them, right?

Whoa, hold on there, cowgirl. It’s really not your business what, or who, this other girl does with her vagina. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps this other chick wasn’t dickmatized by your douche and the reason they are still talking is because she was smart enough to not give up the goodies?

You may be trying to pass off contacting these other girls as genuine concern, but we both know you only did it out of spite, jealousy and because you don’t want any of them to have him if you can’t. It bothers you that there is at least one girl still talking to him. Get over it and move on. If he wasn’t faithful to you before, it’s not like this is going to change things. In the end, he wins because he was never serious about you and probably hasn’t given another thought to it since he was busted.

Maybe you should have been more proactive concerning the health of your own vagina by making this cheating bastard wrap it up before serving it up. There are worse things you can contract from unprotected sex with a guy, whom you obviously didn’t know well enough to figure out he was cheating, than a baby or an attitude from his steroid use. Seriously, Google herpes and take a gander at what your girly bits can turn into should that STD be gifted to you. Also, AIDS didn’t evaporate in the last ten years. It just got swept under the war on terrorism.

So, I wouldn’t worry about anyone else, or their kids, at this point. If the Facebook comments are getting to you, delete yourself from the asshole’s page and move on in life. If it makes you feel better to talk shit about him to the girls who are as upset as you, by all means do so. But the best revenge is by denying it ever happened and moving on as if he didn’t exist to you. If it’s closure you need, create your own because there’s nothing he can tell you that will make sense to you other than he did it because he could – and you, unwittingly, let him.

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