Friday, February 18, 2011

Making of a Stalker

Q: I kinda met this girl who just move in my apartment building. I helped her carry some boxes that were too heavy and we ended up ordering pizza and hanging out all night talking. She had just moved to my city for work and didn’t know anyone. We exchanged numbers before I left and made plans to hang out soon. I text her the next day and asked when she wanted to get together. I didn’t hear back. I texted her a few more times over the next few days. Still haven’t heard back. It’s been a week. Why didn’t she text me back? Should I call her or go knock on her door? Did I do something wrong?

A: She’s blowing you off, moron. You should have taken the hint after the second time she didn’t respond to your text messaging. There’s a certain amount of texting that’s acceptable before you fall into the category of a stalker/clinger. And how do you 'kinda' meet someone? Is that like, you guys talked but never formally exchanged names? You either did, or you didn't 'meet.' I'm gonna say you did, especially if you shared a meal.

It’s hard to know exactly why she’s avoiding you. Women are complicated creatures. If we had to be honest, we’d tell you that we don’t really know why we do things like have pizza with strange men, talk to them for too many hours and then give them our number knowing we have no desire to hear from, call, talk to, text or hang out with them again. Ever. I was notorious for doing this and not just to dudes. Truth is, I couldn’t juggle that many text messages, friend requests or social outings. So … I ignored them and hoped they’d go away. Yeah, girls can be the bad guy, too.

However, if I had to think like a new-girl-in-town for a minute, I would say that maybe she is busy with her job and getting settled so, that leaves little time and energy at the end of the day for social activities – like entertaining a half assed promise to hang out with a pushy boy. Especially one that text – stalked her phone for a week with no response. Creepy. So knock it off.

It’s too late for you to call or show up at her door without creating an extremely awkward situation that will secure you a spot on the neighborhood watch creeper alert list. You think you may have shared a moment over several hours one evening, but it’s probably more that you over-stayed your welcome and she was too nice to kick you out. So, leave her alone and let her make the next move, if she’s interested. You’ve already made too many wasted attempts thru cellular contact to come back from and if there’s a chance at all at redeeming yourself, not stalking her would be it.


  1. Hahaha ... I wish guys would be this persisitent with me. Guys I go out on dates with end up being wishy washy with keeping up after the 2nd or 3rd date and the it's me stalking their phone to figure out what's up.

  2. You sound like one of those chicks that puts all her effort into one guy. Don't do that, especially if you haven't seen each other regularly for at least two weeks. After that amount of time, you know if you like him enough to not see anyone else. Then you can hope he feels the same way. Sometimes, it takes dudes more time to figure out they are done playing the field, though, so keep that in mind, too. If he doesn't text you after the 2nd/3rd date, means he's not really into you and expect to get sporadic drunk or "your an option" texts/calls after that point. Those will come at an unreasonable hour, so you can identify them easily.
